4 Examples of Real Estate Copy That Works

Designing marketing materials that generate leads can be challenging. While high-quality images are crucial, word choice is just as important for advertising listings and attracting new clients.

In other words, you can save money and effectively market your business with compelling real estate copy. By using captivating headlines, strategic language, and strong Calls To Action (CTAs), you can generate more interest in your properties and sell homes faster.

In this post, we’ll discuss what real estate copy is and how it can benefit your business. Then we’ll show you how to write copy that sells, using Jigglar marketing materials. Let’s get started!

What Real Estate Copy Is (And How It Can Benefit Your Business)

Copy is the written material found throughout your website, social media, and other marketing materials. For real estate businesses, it’s one of your most powerful tools for marketing your listings, services, and events.

By writing clear and compelling copy, you can attract more prospects and increase clickthrough rates. In turn, you’ll be able to boost your SEO and increase visibility for your business, helping you earn new listings and sell homes faster.

Moreover, by driving traffic to your site organically, effective copywriting can save you time and money. The more effective your copy is, the more it will do the hard work of selling for you.

How To Write Compelling Real Estate Copy (4 Examples)

Now that we’ve explained the benefits of real estate copy, we can show you how to write copy that sells. While there are many ways to do so, and the most effective approach will depend partly on your target audience, the following four tips are well-proven and easy to implement.

1. Use Captivating Headlines

If your headline is boring, readers likely won’t click on your content. Since it’s the first thing most people will see, it’s vital to write headlines that stand out.

One way to do this is by incorporating power words. Strong language, such as “you”/”your”, “now”, “free”, and “value”, can grab readers’ attention and persuade them to click on your content.

When you’re creating real estate flyers and similar resources, highlighting the home’s key selling point in the headline is another great way to draw in prospects. However, try to limit overly-descriptive language. Instead, showcase the home’s top selling point concisely, and include additional features below that:

Strong headlines attract prospective clients

While the above home may have premium amenities, the view is really what sells it. Focusing on one major benefit keeps the headline short and catchy.

With Jigglar, you can choose from dozens of templates to market your listings online and in print. Once you select a template, you can upload your photos, edit the colors to match your brand, and write a strong headline to captivate readers.

2. Write for Your Target Audience

Understanding who your audience is can help you write effective real estate copy. When you create advertisements tailored to your clientele, you’ll be able to close listings faster and save time and money.

To identify your audience, start by analyzing your previous clients. Look for common attributes and homebuying patterns. If you sell a lot of single-family homes to growing families, for example, you can deduce that your audience might be on the lookout for a bigger home:

Write for your target audience

Once you identify your audience, it’s important to connect with them using the right platform. For example, over 60% of Instagram users worldwide are between the ages of 18 and 34.

If your audience aligns with that demographic, Instagram might be the right platform to reach your clients. Whatever platform you choose, make sure to spend time on it to understand how its users communicate, so you can create copy with the right style and tone.

3. Tell a Story

When you tell a story in your copy, you build trust and create a more engaging experience. Hinting at the possibilities offered by a particular home can help you appeal to homebuyers through storytelling.

For instance, if you have a listing with a great pool and outdoor living space, you can help clients imagine hosting a party in the backyard:

Painting a clear and evocative picture for buyers can help them envision themselves in the space and build an emotional connection. Using emotion in your marketing is a key way to draw in more clients and encourage them to take action.

4. Include a CTA

A copy’s CTA is what compels prospects to take action. This is where you motivate readers to learn more or get in touch with you directly. Without a strong CTA, your content may not generate any leads.

Something as simple as “Contact Us” can convince potential clients to take the next step:

Encourage clients to take the next step with CTAs

When writing a CTA, you’ll want to keep it simple, yet engaging. Effective CTAs make a strong first impression and encourage readers to interact with your content. In doing so, they can help reduce bounce rates and improve conversions. In turn, this can increase your visibility and boost your search rankings.


Crafting engaging copy is the key to an effective marketing strategy. Using concise yet descriptive language in your marketing materials can drive sales and help you get more listings. Plus, it makes your real estate business more memorable and unique.

To recap, you can craft compelling real estate copy by:

  1. Using captivating headlines
  2. Writing for your target audience
  3. Telling a compelling story
  4. Including a strong and clear CTA

Are you ready to write real estate copy that generates leads and sells listings? Sign up for a free 14-day Jigglar trial to access our extensive library of customizable templates!

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