How To Create a Social Media Calendar for Real Estate

Do you want to grow your online presence and generate new real estate leads? Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are a great place to market your business. To be effective, you’ll need a social media calendar for real estate agents.

That’s because a consistent real estate marketing strategy is the key to success. When you pair a social media calendar with stunning, branded templates, you’ll be more likely to achieve your real estate goals.

In this post, we’ll go over the basics of social media calendars for real estate. Then, we’ll talk about the importance of real estate templates when building one. Finally, we’ll share some Jigglar templates to help you get started. Let’s get to it!

An Introduction to Social Media Calendars for Real Estate

First, let’s talk about the basics of social media calendars, and how to use them for a real estate business.

A social media calendar refers to a detailed plan of content to be posted over time. Marketers may create this type of content calendar days, weeks, or even months in advance. You can make a simple calendar with your own tools, or use marketing software like Buffer:

An example of a social media calendar for real estate businesses

In order to build a comprehensive social media calendar, you’ll need a wide variety of post types. This way, you can keep your audience engaged.

Ideally, you’ll want to include a blend of educational and promotional content. Fortunately, when it comes to real estate, you have plenty of content options in both categories (more on this later).

Why You Need Templates for Your Real Estate Social Media Calendar

As we mentioned, if you want to create a successful social media calendar for real estate, you’ll need a robust selection of post types and material.

That’s because you’ll have to post frequently to keep up with the competition. For instance, when it comes to both Instagram and Facebook, businesses post around five times a week (on average).

With this in mind, you’ll likely need real estate marketing templates to help you keep up. If you use a tool like Jigglar, you’ll get customizable real estate marketing designs for everything from agent profiles to “just sold” posts.

What’s more, many of Jigglar’s pre-made templates are designed specifically for social media. And, all of them are customizable, so you can modify them to reflect your personal brand.

5 Real Estate Templates for Your Social Media Calendar

Now that you know the importance of social media calendars and real estate templates, here are five types of Jigglar designs you can add to your schedule!

1. Agent Introductions

If you’re a new real estate agent or just building your online following, it’s a good idea to introduce yourself to your audience (and re-introduce yourself on a regular basis). With Jigglar, you’ll get plenty of social media templates that allow you to do so:

A social media post promoting a real estate agent

As you can see, these designs allow ample space to include your personal details and real estate logo. Plus, you can swap out background images and change the colors to reflect your branding. Of course, with this template, you’ll also want to include a succinct introduction in the description of the post.

In addition to Facebook and Instagram posts, Jigglar also offers multi-page designs for “stories”:

An Instagram story with reasons to hire a real estate professional

This enables you to get more specific in your messaging:

More reasons to hire a real estate professional

In this example, you can provide your followers with reasons to hire you!

2. Educational Materials for Homeowners and Sellers

One great way to win clients is to demonstrate your qualifications and authority. To do this, you can post educational materials for homeowners or sellers on social media.

For example, with Jigglar, you can create useful infographics regarding median house prices:

A social media post showing median house prices

Additionally, you may want to market more extensive materials you’ve created, like a final walkthrough checklist:

To offer variety in your social media calendar for real estate, you can promote your educational materials, like a final walkthrough checklist

When you sprinkle in this type of educational content, you may be more likely to win your audience’s trust.

3. Real Estate Listings and Sales

Marketing your real estate listings and “just sold” properties is another excellent tactic. This way, you can broaden your audience of potential buyers and show followers that you’re capable of making sales.

Jigglar gives you plenty of template options for listing. The great thing about these designs is that they can help you pack in a lot of useful information and images:

You can advertise property listings on your social media calendar for real estate

Meanwhile, the “just sold” templates allow you to show off your successes:

Just sold real estate post for social media

In addition to the property price, many templates also include useful details like number of bidders, offers, and inspections.

4. Questionnaires and Surveys

Social media engagement strategies that prompt feedback (like questionnaires and surveys) can help build trust. Therefore, you’ll want to employ this tactic when creating your real estate content calendar.

For instance, you can offer useful real estate insights like rent estimates for investment properties:

A social media post for a brief real estate survey

Of course, this is just one example. Jigglar offers plenty of social media templates with eye-catching designs you can modify any way you like. That includes text, fonts, sizing, etc.

5. Holiday Posts

Last but not least, let’s talk about holiday posts. This type of social media content is an excellent way to let your followers know you’re still around. After all, keeping your name and brand top-of-mind is crucial for building awareness.

At a minimum, you’ll likely want to create content focused on the most popular holidays like Christmas:

A real estate social media post for Christmas

But, you can also design custom posts for holidays that are more relevant to your audience, such as Canada Day, Australia Day, or 4th of July:

A 4th of July post for social media

When it comes to holidays, Jigglar’s template collection is vast, so you’ll never run out of ideas!


A social media calendar for real estate can help you nurture a consistent online presence. This way, you’re able to build awareness, boost your credibility, and generate new leads.

To design an effective social media calendar for your real estate business, you can also use customizable marketing templates. These pre-made designs can enable you to create your social media content in batches. Plus, you can modify them to match your personal brand.

Are you ready to create your real estate social media calendar? Sign up for Jigglar free trial and fast-track the process with stunning, customizable templates!

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