5 Direct Mail Marketing Tips for Realtors

Even with social media and email marketing, direct mail is still a great way to connect with clients and get more listings. However, if you’re out of practice, you might not know how to design effective direct mail materials that urge people to act.

The good news is that we have a handful of tips that can maximize your chance of success. For example, it’s important to personalize your mailings, design eye-catching content, and include clear calls to action (CTA) so that people know what you want them to do.

In this post, we’ll explore five excellent direct mail marketing tips to help you achieve success. Let’s jump right in!

1. Personalize Your Mailings

One of the easiest ways to immediately grab the attention of people is to personalize your mail. Naturally, you’ll need to track your campaigns over time and segment your list. After that, you can make sure your campaigns reach the right prospects and maximize conversions.

You might include names in your campaigns, or personalize it by context. For instance, you could showcase properties that have recently sold in the area. Or, you may have materials that are geared towards a particular audience like people that are currently renting but might like to buy a home:

Direct mail marketing tips for realtors: Use personalization

Alternatively, it can be a good idea to cater your direct mail campaigns to families, or those looking to purchase luxury real estate.

By tailoring the content to your recipients, you can increase the chance of success, since people are more likely to be interested in your materials. Plus, it shows that you’ve made the extra effort, rather than sending generic mass marketing mails.

2. Be Transparent

Another key tip to improve your direct mail marketing is to be upfront about the purpose of your campaign. Sometimes, it’s tempting to disguise the goal of your materials so that people are more likely to open and engage with it.

But, this can be frustrating for people, who might then discard your promotions and stop opening future mails. Therefore, if you want to urge prospects to book a home valuation, it’s best to come right out and ask directly:

It's important to be transparent in direct mail marketing

Naturally, if you’re looking to get more listings, it can be uncomfortable to put that message right out there. That said, people appreciate transparency, and it enables them to quickly scan the mail and immediately understand whether it’s relevant to them or not.

Therefore, it’s a great way to win favor with prospects. Plus, transparency is a big part of maintaining brand integrity, and establishing trusting relationships with clients.

3. Design Eye-Catching Materials

Another way to make your direct mail campaigns more effective is to focus on the design. This way, you can quickly grab the attention of people and make your promotions more visually appealing.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to opt for contrasting color combinations, interesting fonts, and high-resolution images. Not only that, but design is a big part of building your brand identity, so this step is especially relevant if you’re a new relator.

And, if you lack the design skills, you can use a Jigglar template:

Improve direct mail marketing materials with Jigglar templates

You’ll find tons of pre-made layouts for all your real estate marketing materials including postcards, newsletters, social media posts, agent profiles, and more. Better yet, all templates are completely customizable, so it’s easy to replace the default elements with your own images and company details.

4. Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

It’s important to make it obvious what you want people to do after receiving your direct mail materials. For busy people that scan through their mail, you want to make as much impact as possible and make sure people take the desired action.

You might want prospects to visit your website, call a phone number, or redeem a discount code. Therefore, you should make this instantly clear:

Include clear calls to action in direct mail marketing

Although it’s useful to implement persuasive and actionable language to motivate people to act, you can also make your CTA stand out with your design.

For example, you can use bold fonts and contrasting colors. Plus, it can help to separate your CTA from the rest of your content, so you might place it at the bottom of the mail in its own block so that it stands out.

5. Implement Trends

To stop your mail campaigns from becoming repetitive, it’s a good idea to freshen up your content. One way you can do this is by implementing seasonal trends or leveraging national events or holidays.

If you want to use Jigglar templates for your direct mail activities, you’ll find a bunch of seasonal layouts:

Implement seasonal trends into your direct mail marketing campaigns

But, there are also designs for national holidays like Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Christmas. Not only can this make for more engaging materials, but it also shows that your brand is up-to-date with its promotional activities.

Additionally, it enables people to see your real estate company as more than just a business. Instead, it can humanize your brand and nurture long-lasting meaningful connections with your clients.


Despite the growth of digital media, direct mail marketing is still relevant. In fact, direct mail annual ad revenue in the U.S. still amounted to 13.2 billion dollars last year. That said, it’s important to take the time and effort to craft promotions that will capture attention and urge people to act.

To recap, here are five direct mail marketing tips for realtors:

  1. Personalize your mailings.
  2. Be transparent.
  3. Design eye-catching materials.
  4. Include a clear call to action.
  5. Implement trends.

At Jigglar, you can access tons of beautiful ready-made layouts for all your real estate marketing materials including postcards, emails, newsletters, social posts, and more. Get a free 14-day trial today!

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