How to Get More Real Estate Clients from One Listing

Every listing on your docket is an opportunity to market your services. You can use a lot of marketing materials to promote a listing. In fact, it can be smart to do so, as this can enable you to get more exposure and reach new audiences.

The challenge is that creating a large number of marketing materials takes time and money. Jigglar can help you solve this by providing you with the tools you need to create amazing marketing campaigns. The more work you put into marketing, the easier it will be to get leads, which is a winning proposition.

In this article, we’ll explore several ways to market a single listing to help you get more real estate clients. Let’s get to it!

1. Don’t Focus on a Single Marketing Channel

One mistake that realtors make is focusing on only one type of marketing. If you have a new listing, you’ll want to promote it through as many channels as possible.

This will help the information reach more people, potentially generating more leads. Moreover, different channels will enable you to reach different types of audiences.

By channels, we mean social media, physical marketing materials, community events, your own email list, and more. If you’re serious about getting more leads, you need to leave no stone unturned.

The challenge with targeting multiple channels for marketing is you’ll need unique materials for each one. That’s where Jigglar can help you, as it offers hundreds of templates for different kinds of listings and channels:

Jigglar marketing templates

Jigglar enables you to pick any template you like and customize it. You can customize templates by replacing images and text. The editor also enables you to add a multitude of pre-designed elements.

In any case, Jigglar templates are designed to be easy to customize. In most cases, you can simply edit the copy, upload your logo, and download the result so you can print or publish it.

2. Promote Listings Locally As Well

A lot of realtors have shifted the majority of their marketing efforts online. This is great because it enables you to keep up with the times. However, it’s important to remember not all potential buyers are going to be looking for real estate listings online.

For many people, real estate is something they need to see in person. Likewise, they expect realtors to be available and meet with them instead of dealing with everything online.

Physical marketing materials can help you target this crowd. You can have different marketing campaigns for the same property online and offline. Jigglar gives you access to templates for flyers, postcards, calendars, and even stationary:

Real estate postcards

You can use these templates to design materials you can mail to entire neighborhoods. This can help you get a lot of leads, as physical marketing can be harder to ignore than online publications.

3. Make It Easy for Leads to Contact You

Every marketing material you publish should include your contact information. In 2024, it’s also a great idea to include a QR code that can help potential customers reach you instantly.

A real estate marketing template with a QR code

It doesn’t matter if you have a single listing. Running multiple marketing campaigns for it at the same time means you drastically increase the chances of getting leads. However, if customers can’t reach you easily, those leads can easily fade away.

Jigglar offers a QR code generator for marketing. The QR codes you generate can lead potential customers to a URL, open their email or texting app, or prepare your phone number for dialing.

A listing marketing template with a QR code

Scanning a QR code takes only seconds, and it can drastically reduce the friction of making that first contact. You can add a QR code to any Jigglar template using the built-in QR code generator in the editor.

Note that QR codes are more effective for physical marketing materials. Your customers will often browse websites or social media from their phones, so if they see a QR code online, it can be challenging to scan.

4. Use Sold Properties to Build Trust

Just because a property already sold doesn’t mean you can’t use it for marketing. “Just Sold” flyers and social media posts can be amazing tools for getting your business attention.

A “Just Sold” marketing campaign tells potential buyers and sellers they can trust you. It’s a type of social proof and the more impressive the property listing, the better the effect it will have:

A just sold marketing flyer for a property

Jigglar offers an entire collection of “Just Sold” templates for any channel you want to focus on. You can easily customize any of the templates by replacing the stock pictures with the listing photographs of your latest sold property and you’re off to the races.


If your current strategy is to create or one two marketing posts for promoting listings, you may be going about it wrong. You can get a lot more interest and leads from one single listing if you publicize it as much as possible and across multiple channels.

This strategy means you’ll need to create more marketing materials. Jigglar can help you do this efficiently without stretching your marketing budget. With Jigglar, you get access to hundreds of real estate marketing templates you can easily customize even if you have no design experience.

If you’re ready to start promoting your latest listing, sign up for Jigglar. You can try the service for free and see how much time it saves you!

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