What Type of Content Is Best for Real Estate Businesses Online?

Content creation can be a time-consuming process, and what’s worse is that you can’t guarantee results. Therefore, you might be wondering what type of content is best for real estate businesses. This way, you can concentrate your efforts on what works.

The good news is that there are various content formats, structures, and ideas that resonate well with an online audience. For example, if you have the writing skills, blog posts are great. But, if you want to publish highly engaging content, infographics, images, and videos are your best bet.

In this post, we’ll explore five of the best types of content for real estate businesses and include tips for success. Let’s get to it!

1. Blog Posts

If you have the writing skills, blog posts are a great way to demonstrate your expertise and eventually, establish your brand as an industry authority. Better yet, there are many different types of posts that you can create, including how-to articles, listicles, roundups, guides, and more.

For example, you might share saving tips or recommendations to help first-time home buyers. Or, you might publish a list of easy DIY home projects to help sellers increase their property value:

Blog posts are a great content idea for real estate businesses

One of the best parts about utilizing written content is that you can use a tool like Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant search terms and phrases.

After that, you can implement these terms within your headings, permalinks, metadata, and post content. This way, you can boost visibility in the search results and drive more organic traffic to your pages.

2. High-Quality Images

It’s important to leverage the power of social media if you want to build brand awareness and generate more leads. This is because social platforms enable you to tap into a huge global audience. In fact, Facebook currently has over three billion monthly active users.

That said, there are tons of other options, including Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, so you’re sure to find the best social platform that aligns with your target audience and brand personality. However, social media is a crowded space, so it’s important to produce high-quality content if you want to stand out.

With that in mind, you’re best bet is to use beautiful images that will quickly capture attention. And, the good news is that you can speed up the content creation process using one of Jigglar’s templates:

Use Jigglar templates to post high-quality images

This way, you’ll get access to a whole library of ready-made layouts for all your real estate marketing materials. These are also completely customizable, so it’s easy to swap in your business details, photographs, and logo.

Here, you’ll find tons of pre-designed social media graphics that you can publish directly to your social accounts. Better yet, there are options to celebrate national holidays, events, or seasons to help you stay up-to-date with real estate marketing trends.

3. Real Estate Videos

Although images are an engaging form of real estate content, you can go one step further and create videos. This medium is quickly gaining popularity, and there are currently over 164 million live video viewers in the U.S. alone.

Videos can be a bit overwhelming if you lack technical experience, but you can start out simply using your phone. Or, plenty of social media apps like Instagram and TikTok let you record your videos directly within the platform.

The nature of video also enables you to nurture close meaningful connections with clients. Therefore, to leverage this fully, you might share Q&A videos, behind-the-scenes clips, or a day in the life of a realtor:

Videos are one of the best types of content for real estate businesses

But, you aren’t limited to these online video ideas. For example, you might also educate first-time buyers about technical real estate terms, or share your take on the current local market.

4. Infographics

While blog posts can certainly be effective, some users prefer to scan information quickly. Therefore, you can create infographics that enable you to present your ideas in a more visually appealing way.

Additionally, some content ideas lend themselves really well to this type of structure. For instance, you might design a moving out checklist or a home buying roadmap:

Real estate infographics

Meanwhile, infographics offer a more digestible alternative to sharing market updates, statistics, or agent reports. Better yet, you can find plenty of pre-made infographic templates in the Jigglar library.

5. Podcasts

Nearly 70 million people in the U.S. listened to podcasts in 2023. And, this figure is forecast to increase by another 37 million users in the next five years.

Therefore, this is a huge incentive to consider podcasts for your real estate business:

Real estate podcast

Naturally, this type of content requires an investment of time and money to secure the right equipment and software.

Additionally, episodes tend to be an hour long, so it isn’t as convenient as posting a quick social media graphic or even writing an entire blog post. That said, it’s a great way to diversify your content and connect with your audience. Plus, it’s ideal if you occupy a specific niche like real estate investing.


Online content enables you to generate leads, establish a strong brand presence, and connect with clients. But, with so many types of content to choose from, it can be difficult to select the right formats to maximize success.

To recap, here are five types of content that work best for real estate businesses online:

  1. Blog posts.
  2. High-quality images.
  3. Real estate videos.
  4. Infographics.
  5. Podcasts.

At Jigglar, you’ll get access to a huge library of pre-made real estate designs for all your marketing materials like social posts, flyers, postcards, newsletters, and reports. Start your 14-day free trial today!

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