How to Create a Realtor Report for Local Real Estate

If you’re on the market for a new house, you need to have an idea of what the local real estate market looks like. That means knowing how much houses are going for in the area, how quickly listings are closing, and who the best local real estate agents are. In other words, you need access to a local real estate realtor report.

As a realtor, you can use reports to build a rapport with prospective clients. By providing them with information, you ensure they’ll think about you when the time comes to look at listings. With a little bit of luck, a real estate report will enable you to collect leads and transform them into home buyers.rapport

In this article, we’ll talk about why you should offer local estate realtor reports. Then we’ll show you what elements to include in your reports using Jigglar templates. Let’s get to it!

Why Offer a Local Real Estate Realtor Report

If you want buyers to enlist you to help them find the perfect home, you need to build trust with them. There are a lot of ways to build trust as a realtor, from using social media to sending flyers, engaging in marketing campaigns, and more. However, local real estate reports stand out because they offer an amazing amount of value to their recipients:

Local real estate realtor report

A local real estate realtor report enables you to share all the information that prospective owners need to know before they start looking at properties in an area. With a comprehensive report, buyers will know what prices in the area are and how hot the market is. Let’s talk about what information to include in your report.

What Information to Include In a Local Real Estate Realtor Report

An engaging real estate report can’t be all about numbers. If you want potential buyers to pay attention, you need to create engaging marketing materials. Here are the elements that you should be including in your real estate reports.

Your Background as a Realtor

One of the best ways to kick off a real estate report is to put a face to your name. For buyers to care about what you say, they need to know that you’re a successful and trustworthy realtor. The best way to establish that is with a brief realtor introduction near the start of the report. For bonus points, include a headshot:

Realtor bio and introduction

This section needs to talk about your expertise as a realtor and discuss what information the rest of the report will include. While you’re at it, you can also inform readers about how they can get in touch with you.

Bonus: Some Jigglar real estate report templates include bonus Calls-to-Action (CTA). For example, this template mentions that readers that reach out can get a free sellers guide that will guide them through the listing process. You can find several templates for real estate guides in the Jigglar archives and they can be a fantastic way to collect leads.

Recently-Sold Local Properties

The best way to showcase a local real estate market is by taking a look at recent sales. With a real estate report, you can include information about recently sold properties in the area. Ideally, you’ll include details such as numbers of bedrooms, bathrooms, parking spaces, square footage, and of course, selling prices:

Recently sold real estate listings

Information about recently sold properties should be the meat and bones of your local real estate realtor report. We recommend that you study up on any properties that you include in this list since potential buyers will have questions about them.

Pictures of Recently-Sold Properties

Lists of numbers may not be engaging enough to convince buyers about enlisting you to help them buy a property (no matter how good the numbers are). Some of Jigglat’s local real estate realtor reports also include sections for property pictures, so you can show off what homes in the neighborhood look like:

Recently sold property pictures

Showing off the most handsome properties among your recent listings can be a great way to drum up buyer interest. If buyers see that you regularly list and sell properties that fit their criteria, they’re bound to reach out to you when they decide that it’s time to make a bid.


A local real estate realtor report can help you give potential buyers a full breakdown of what market they might be getting into. You can use real estate reports to share information about your expertise, why you’re the right person to help buyers find a home, and show off some of the latest properties you’ve sold.

If you include prices, buyers will get a great idea of how much money they might have to spend to buy into a neighborhood. That can help you weed out owners that aren’t as interested versus those that are ready to find their dream listings.

Are you ready to get to work on a local real estate realtor report? Try Jigglar for free and get access to several realtor report templates that you can customize to show off some of your latest sales!

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