How to Design Client Appreciation Graphics for Real Estate

Most real estate agents are so focused on generating new leads that they focus solely on producing promotional content. However, this often means neglecting or abandoning existing contacts that still hold plenty of value. This is where client appreciation graphics for real estate come in.

This type of marketing content aims to establish close meaningful connections with clients. As a result, it can help foster brand loyalty, get quality referrals, and garner an edge over your competitors.

In this post, we’ll share five tips to design client appreciation graphics for real estate and help elevate your marketing game. Let’s get started!

5 Tips to Design Client Appreciation Graphics

Here are five key methods for creating client appreciation graphics that foster meaningful relationships and encourage referrals.

1. Offer Something of Value

Every client appreciation graphic needs a unique focus. But rather than telling people how you feel, you’re better off showing them.

If you can afford to, we’d recommend leveraging exclusive discounts or gifts to thank customers for their business. This makes people feel special, and since it acts as an incentive, it’s more likely to spur action.

For instance, you could offer a percentage-based discount or fixed-price payment in exchange for referrals:

How to design client appreciation graphics to get referrals

Or, why not reveal your brand’s playful personality by capitalizing on seasonal themes, trends, or national holidays? For instance, you could offer a free slice of pizza on National Pizza Day or treat your best customers to a free coffee on International Coffee Day:

Offer free gifts to show client appreciation

If you don’t have the budget to provide gifts or discounts, you could always offer a free consultation. Or, another great way to show appreciation to loyal clients is to send out VIP open home invitations or provide first looks at new property listings.

2. Use High-Quality Graphics

A picture says a thousand words. So while compelling copy can work wonders for your bottom line, be sure to make use of high-quality images that land a powerful emotional punch.

Whether you’re offering gifts to get more referrals or crafting simple thank you notes, images are an easy way to spruce up your campaign. And if you’re worried about your design skills, Jigglar templates are a convenient solution:

Design client appreciation graphics with Jigglar

This way, you can choose a ready-made layout from a collection of professional newsletters, social media graphics, print materials (e.g. brochures, flyers, etc), and more.

All templates are completely customizable, enabling you to reflect your own unique branding. You’ll make all changes using the intuitive Jigglar editor, where you’re free to upload custom photos, swap out colors and fonts, and upload a logo.

This allows you to remain consistent across every touch point where clients encounter your real estate business. Plus, it ensures that your appreciation graphics always look their best, regardless of your technical ability.

3. Prioritize Print Marketing

Many realtors believe print marketing is dead, but they couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, in today’s digital world, print materials are a great way to humanize your brand and form genuine long-lasting connections.

When you limit yourself to digital marketing channels, you’re dealing with faces behind screens. But traditional strategies (like flyers and postcards) add a personal touch, given the fact that they’re delivered by hand and remind folks of a simpler time.

With that in mind, you could create a holiday card that presents your team as a family:

Send greeting cards to clients to build loyalty

Better yet, there are plenty of opportunities throughout the year to send out greetings cards, such as Halloween, Easter, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day:

Celebrate Valentine's Day with clients

Although it’s only a small gesture, it shows that you’re still thinking of people after the deal has closed. Plus, it ensures that they continue to have positive, memorable interactions with your brand, which can help you score referrals.

4. Tailor the Message

One of the benefits of using digital marketing strategies is that it’s often simpler (and quicker) to tailor your message.

This helps you form more meaningful relationships. And, since it speaks directly to the customer, it’s more likely to make an impact.

Better yet, there are tons of ways to personalize your appreciation campaigns. You could make sure the graphic goes out at an appropriate time. Or, you could leverage trends and seasons to increase relevancy:

Design tailored client appreciation graphics

When possible, we’d recommend using the exact names of recipients, so it doesn’t look like you’ve blasted out identical messages to your entire client list. You could also reference the specific address or neighborhood.

5. Celebrate Milestones

Another great idea for creating client appreciation graphics for real estate is to celebrate milestones. Of course, this works well for you, since it ensures that customers don’t quickly forget about your brand once the deal has closed.

However, it shows that you’re willing to go above and beyond to enhance the client experience. Maybe you’ll leave a small gift or thank you note on the newly-acquired property. Such a thoughtful gesture is likely to be remembered for years to come.

Not only that, but you could craft graphics to mark the one-year anniversary of when your customer moved into their dream home. This is a great way to re-engage past clients, which can help you generate glowing testimonials, get referrals, and secure repeat business.


When it comes to creating a strong real estate marketing strategy, you can’t overlook the value of existing contacts. In fact, by regularly showing your appreciation, you’re able to build brand loyalty, secure high-quality referrals, and enhance the customer experience.

To recap, here’s how to design client appreciation graphics for real estate:

  1. Offer something of value (e.g. gifts, discounts, etc).
  2. Use high-quality graphics.
  3. Prioritize print marketing.
  4. Tailor the message.
  5. Celebrate milestones.

The easiest way to craft professional-looking designs is to use Jigglar templates. You can find layouts for all your real estate marketing needs, and every template can be completely customized to align with your brand identity. Get started with a 14-day free trial!

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