3 Ways To Promote Your Real Estate Agent Testimonials

Testimonials from your real estate clients can be an amazing way to help you build trust with new buyers or sellers. This is critical because you’re helping people make some of the biggest purchases or sales in their lives. If those people think they can’t trust you, they’re likely to take their business to another realtor.

The good news is that you’d be surprised at how many of your clients would be happy to give you a sterling review. All it takes is asking for testimonials and you’ll have enough feedback to show off on your website or social media. The next time someone looks you up before contacting you, those real estate agent testimonials might be the first thing they see.

In this article, we’ll talk a bit more about why it makes sense to promote your realty business using client testimonials. Then, we’ll show you three ways to do it using Jigglar. Let’s get to it!

Why Client Testimonials Are Important

As a realtor, you deal in two currencies. The first involves your listings. Great listings can make or break a real estate business, and if you include amazing properties in your portfolio, it will become much easier for you to build a reputation as a realtor.

The second currency you deal in is trust. Buyers and sellers need a realtor they can trust to represent their best interest, and that trust is hard-earned.

A lot of your business might come from advertising or word of mouth from past clients who recommend you to friends and family. Word of mouth sends a powerful signal that you can be trusted and it’s something you can leverage by making client testimonials public.

Real estate agent testimonials act as proof that you’ve done great work with past clients. They can mean the difference between someone deciding to reach out to ask for your help as a realtor or continuing to look around for other options.

To put it another way, if you’re not using client testimonials as part of your marketing yet, now is the perfect time to start doing so.

3 Ways To Promote Your Real Estate Agent Testimonials

For this section, we’re going to show you three ways in which you can use real estate agent testimonials to promote your business. All of these approaches use Jigglar templates, so they’re easy to replicate and adapt to your needs.

1. Include Testimonials in Your Agent Profile

An agent profile is a type of introduction to who you are as a realtor and the kind of services you offer. Jigglar includes dozens of real estate agent profile templates you can use as a way to give potential customers insight into how you can help them:

Agent profile templates from Jigglar

All of these templates are fully customizable. You can easily add client testimonials to any of them using the Jigglar editor’s text tool. This is as simple as typing the testimonial, including the client name, and making sure it fits with the rest of the profile:

Real estate agent testimonials

If you’re not sure what client testimonial will work best, consider creating multiple marketing materials with different options. You can use these designs on any channel you want and see which testimonials get you the best results.

2. Create “Just Sold” Social Media Posts

You may have noticed a lot of realtors share when they make a sale. This is not necessarily bragging (although it’s worth bragging about!) but rather a type of social proof.

A "Just sold" real estate flyer

“Just Sold” posts let people know they’re dealing with a realtor who can get a deal done. However, if you’re not including client testimonials as part of these posts, you’re missing out on a key element of social proof.

A "just sold" social media post with a client testimonial

The Jigglar library contains a full section for “Just Sold” real estate marketing materials. These include designs you can use in social media but also with flyers, mailers, and other types of promotional materials.

Keep in mind you’ll need to ask customers if they’re OK with you sharing their testimonials in public. However, this shouldn’t be a problem as most customers will love you if you can help them sell their property for a fair (or above asking) price.

3. Use Testimonials to Incentivize Customers to Sell

A big part of your job as a real estate agent will be to guide potential sellers through the market. You’ll advise them on whether it’s a good time to sell or not and what they can expect if they do.

As a realtor, you want your marketing efforts to reach potential sellers and convince them to reach out to you and discuss their options. Jigglar can help you achieve this with its collection of marketing templates designed to help you get listings:

A real estate mailer to help you get listings

If you’re trying to convince someone to sell, it pays to be able to share some of your past wins with them. That means using client testimonials as proof that you’ve sold similar properties in the past and helped customers close without any hiccups.

Note that there’s only so much information you can fit into a flyer or a social media post if you add testimonials to them. That means any quotes from clients need to be short and to the point. A few positive phrases can make a huge difference in how new clients perceive you, so you’re still getting the benefit of social proof.


Client testimonials are a powerful tool for helping you get leads and listings. People can be much more inclined to believe feedback from other customers instead of trusting what you have to say. Some proof from past customers can go a long way toward making you look more trustworthy to potential customers.

That trust will lead to new listings and more business. To get there, we recommend that you check out the Jigglar library of templates and consider adding client testimonials to your next marketing materials.

If you’re ready to get to work, try out Jigglar for free for 14 days. After that, you can sign up for a Jigglar plan and get access to the full features and massive marketing template library that the platform offers!

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