The Ultimate Marketing Guide for New Real Estate Agents

If you have dreams of becoming a real estate agent, or you’re just starting out, you’ve made a wise choice. A career in real estate can be highly lucrative and rewarding. However, getting started can be difficult, so you might be looking for tips for new real estate agents.

Fortunately, with a bit of determination, almost anyone can have a successful real estate career. What’s more, you can fast-track this process by leveraging the right real estate marketing strategies and tools from the get-go.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to real estate marketing. Then, we’ll share ten essential marketing strategies for every new real estate professional. Let’s begin!

An Introduction to Real Estate Marketing (And Why It’s Important)

In a nutshell, real estate marketing involves real estate agencies or agents promoting their businesses in order to gain more clients and increase their profits. Most entrepreneurs will agree that marketing matters, as it’s essential for driving change. This is true for all industries, including real estate.

When you have a clear real estate marketing strategy, you can achieve the following:

  • Establish your credibility
  • Build brand awareness
  • Find new clients
  • Educate customers

These are just a few of the many perks you’ll gain when you prioritize marketing. However, it can benefit every phase of your sales funnel, from lead generation to landing a sale.

Additionally, some modern marketing tactics are focused on digital and social content. That means if you choose your marketing tools wisely, you can save time and money while expanding your real estate business.

10 Essential Marketing Tips for New Real Estate Agents

Now that you know a bit more about the benefits of promoting your business, we’re going to share ten essential tips for new real estate agents! Keep in mind, you can use Jigglar templates for many of these recommendations!

1. Create an Agent Profile

As a real estate agent, you’ll enjoy a unique relationship with your clients. You’ll likely engage with them in one-on-one scenarios or in similarly personal settings.

Therefore, it’s important that you give your potential clients a sense of who you are. You can help build trust with customers by creating a real estate agent profile.

The good news is that Jigglar offers tons of templates specifically for this purpose. You can simply plug in your own personal details and create your agent profile in a few minutes:

Marketing a new real estate agent with a personal profile

In addition to key information like your name and contact details, you should also include elements like a professional headshot and a personal bio.

Many of our templates have nuanced features to enhance this crucial bit of marketing material. For example, most designs allow you to advertise which social media platforms you’re available on using simple icons in a sidebar or footer:

Using agent profile templates is another one of our marketing tips for new real estate agents.

When you create your agent profile, you’ll want to make sure to include a list of your achievements and any relevant education and experience. It’s also wise to include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Then, you can promote this profile on your website or on any other platforms you use.

2. Establish a Clear Brand

Creating an agent profile is an excellent first step, but it should be part of your broader personal image and marketing strategy. Simply put, if you want to succeed, you’ll need to establish a clear brand for yourself.

One excellent way to do this is by creating your own personal logo and incorporating it into all of your content. Many Jigglar templates have a placeholder for your logo design:

Jigglar template with prominent logo feature

You can also strengthen your visual brand by sticking to the same color palette and fonts. Our intuitive editor makes customizing your designs easy.

If you enjoy adding a personal touch to your correspondence with clients, you could even use your own personalized stationary:

Real estate stationary

Jigglar offers bold designs that bring even hand-written notes into the modern era.

3. Start a Real Estate Blog

Next up on our list of top tips for new real estate agents is creating a blog. This can help build your authority in the real estate industry. That’s because you can use your blog posts to demonstrate your expertise in specific areas, like luxury real estate or vacation homes.

You might even provide advice and educational materials to other new real estate agents. For instance, you could write a post called “7 Open House Tips for Realtors“.

Additionally, blogs are a great place to repurpose content. Let’s say you post a stunning infographic on your social media accounts, you could then add it to your blog:

Real estate infographic from Jigglar

This way, you’re able to reach another demographic of users who may be less likely to use platforms like Facebook or Instagram. When maintaining a blog, keep in mind that you’ll want to write attention-grabbing headlines. It’s also best to post regularly so that your readers know when to expect content.

4. Send Postcards to Potential Clients

One traditional yet highly effective tip for new real estate agents is to market yourself using postcards. This is an excellent strategy, because you can easily target the neighborhoods you want to work in.

Even if this doesn’t generate leads quickly, it can be great exposure in the long run. If you want to ensure that your target audience is really taking the time to check out your postcards, you can use them to advertise a contest or a giveaway:

Running a giveway using postcards is another useful tip for new real estate agents

One of the best things about Jigglar is that it allows you to generate QR codes and add them to your marketing content. This way, managing contest entries is a breeze!

5. Grow Your Social Network

It will likely come as no surprise that a robust social network is key if you want to win clients. You’ll need to stand out on social media to be successful. Although you don’t need to create profiles on every platform, you might want to focus on the social channels that are best for real estate, which are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

After you create profiles on these platforms, you’ll want to use visual content to grab your followers’ attention:

Jigglar real estate marketing template for Instagram

Jigglar offers plenty of templates that are designed with social media in mind.

Additionally, if you want to get your content seen (and by the right people), your material will need to be high quality and highly relevant. Therefore, your profile bios should be optimized with keywords and hashtags, as should your posts.

6. Write an E-Book

As we mentioned, building up your credibility is key. Potential clients will need to be able to trust in your expertise. Therefore, another great way to boost your authority is by writing an e-book.

This will likely be geared toward other realtors, but it will still serve as valuable proof of your expertise. For example, you could write an e-book that shows other new real estate agents how to avoid the most common mistakes in the trade:

Jigglar e-book filled with tips for new real estate agents

Then, make sure to advertise your e-book on your blog and social media channels. Keep in mind that while you may want to charge readers for an e-book eventually, if you’re a new realtor trying to gain exposure, it’s best to offer your e-book for free in exchange for an email. This way, you can grow your email list in the process!

7. Launch a Newsletter

Although digital marketing is crucial, you’ll want to make sure you have a balance of online and offline advertising strategies. That’s why a printed newsletter is a great way to get people’s attention:

A real estate newsletter template

You could create a monthly or even quarterly edition of your real estate newsletter. This will enable you to re-introduce yourself and advertise any properties that you’re selling. You can even use your newsletter to market giveaways or freebies like e-books.

To create an engaging real estate newsletter template, you’ll want to use high-quality graphics and images. Also, remember that the newsletter should focus on the current market (as opposed to the agent).

8. Use a Calendar Tool to Manage Your Schedule

As a real estate agent, you’ll likely need to maintain a flexible schedule in order to accommodate client meetings, open houses, etc. Therefore, when it comes to your marketing schedule, you’ll want to be able to set it and forget it.

This will enable you to create more space in your agenda for client meetings, which can show people that you’re committed, attentive, and professional. That’s why content scheduling is next on our list of tips for new real estate agents. It can help you optimize your real estate marketing and overall business.

Moreover, it can allow you more vacation time, as you’ll be able to post content on key holidays, without even working. You can also post about the lesser-known holidays. This way, you’ll continue to be on your followers’ minds:

A real estate marketing post on Facebook

Some popular content scheduling tools you might want to look into are Sprout Social and CoSchedule.

9. Promote Your Successful Sales

When you’re just getting started as a real estate agent, blog posts, e-books, and a strong social media presence can be a great way to build credibility. However, once you have some sales under your belt, you’ll want to be sure to showcase them!

That’s where an active agent report can come in handy:

Jigglar active agent report

You can use this type of report to share key statistics about the properties you’ve sold in the most recent quarter.

10. Collect Client Testimonials

In addition to sharing your quarterly statistics, collecting client testimonials is another highly effective marketing strategy for real estate. Even better, you can share these reviews on pretty-much every platform you use.

For starters, you can include them on your website and in any of your real estate flyers:

Real estate flyer with client testimonial

You can also share them on social media, and even include them as elements in your Facebook banner:

Facebook banner with a real estate client testimonial

You can easily request testimonials using a simple online or physical form. Of course, you’ll want to include only your most glowing customer reviews.


When you’re first getting started as a real estate agent, you may not know where to begin. It can be difficult to establish your credibility, find clients, and make a name for yourself. Fortunately, if you establish a solid real estate marketing strategy, you’ll be much more likely to achieve your goals.

Now let’s review some of our key tips for new real estate agents. First, you can begin building your credibility with a real estate agent profile, a real estate blog, or a real estate e-book. Then, you can grow your social network, promote your successful sales, and collect client testimonials.

With Jigglar you can access an extensive library of real estate marketing templates to help you succeed. From real estate agent profiles and newsletters to e-books and social media materials, we have it all. Sign up for a free trial today!

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