5 Types of Real Estate Marketing Materials to Promote Your Next Open House

Open houses can be an excellent way to generate leads and find buyers interested in your listings. However, to make the most of them, it’s important to plan ahead, which involves curating and promoting your real estate marketing materials.

Fortunately, there are a variety of options that you can choose from. Using templates for your flyers and other types of marketing materials offers a simple, straightforward solution for quickly creating stunning and attention-grabbing content.

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of promoting your open house and five of the top marketing materials you can use. We’ll also show you examples of beautiful templates you can use to customize them and make them your own. Let’s jump in!

The Importance of Marketing Your Open House

If you’re hosting an open house, chances are that it’s because you want to get more leads. However, the success of your open house depends on how many serious prospects you’re able to attract.

During the height of the pandemic, traditional open houses took a backseat. Instead, many pivoted toward virtual showings. Hosting virtual open houses is still an option and can be an effective way to collect potential clients. However, research from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that 65 percent of people are ready to attend open houses in-person again.

Also, the percentage of people buying homes based on virtual tours or open houses alone jumped from 8 percent to 13 percent between 2021 and 2022. In other words, open houses can offer you a competitive advantage.

However, it’s essential to create promotional content to get the word out about an open house. Flyers and other real estate marketing materials can help you engage buyers and deliver the most critical information about the event in a clear, concise manner.

5 Types of Real Estate Marketing Materials to Promote Your Next Open House

Now that we understand more about the importance of promoting your open house, let’s take a look at some of the top options. Below are five types of real estate marketing materials you can use to promote your next open house.

1. Facebook Post

When most people think of real estate flyers, they assume mailed materials. However, you can reach new audiences on social media platforms using your ads.

Creating a Facebook post to promote your open house can be smart because you can easily share it with a wide range of people, who can also share it with their friends and family in just a few clicks. To make it stand out, you can use a bold, professional template such as the following one:

A Facebook cover template for an open house.

The template makes it easy to insert your own open house information in a visually pleasing manner. It also helps provide fresh content for your Facebook page, which can help establish credibility and build engagement. You can share it as a regular Facebook post or use it as your Facebook page cover.

2. Instagram Post

Similar to Facebook, you can also create an Instagram post to promote your next open house:

A real estate marketing material for an open house.

This is an excellent approach if you’re looking to market toward younger generations. For example, Millennials and Gen-Z may be more likely to come across your content on a platform such as Instagram than, for example, a mail flyer.

3. Scannable QR Code

If you’re unfamiliar, QR codes are innovative scannable images that you can place on digital and print ads. When users scan the image with their phone, it will either dial a number, send a text or email, or bring them to a website of your choosing:

A real estate marketing material that features a scannable QR code.

Adding a QR code to your open house flyers can be a powerful and modern way to streamline communication with potential clients. They can easily contact you and find out more information about the upcoming open house.

4. VIP Invitation

A simple yet effective strategy for generating excitement around your open house is to treat it as an exclusive event. You can do this by turning your real estate marketing flyer into a personalized invitation:

A real estate VIP invitation flyer.

It’s a unique way of delivering all the event details in an attractive and organized manner. Tailoring the “invitation” to each person on your contact list can add a personal touch and let buyers know you’re excited about seeing them.

5. Vitrual Open House Alternative

As we mentioned, virtual open houses are still popular among potential buyers. Therefore, you might consider creating a virtual open home alternative to entice buyers who are still looking to physically distance themselves from public gatherings:

A real estate flyer for a virtual open home tour.

You can use the flyer to inform readers how to contact you to set up a video call. Plus, you can distribute it via mail or online.


As a real estate professional, open houses can be a great way to attract new leads to your business. However, to make them a success, it’s important to take some time to market and promote it.

In this article, we discussed the five types of marketing materials you can use to promote your open house:

  1. Facebook ad
  2. Instagram post
  3. Scannable QR code
  4. VIP invitation
  5. Virtual open house

Are you ready to start customizing your open house marketing materials? Sign up for a free trial account with Jigglar and get access to thousands of templates!

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