Real Estate Advertising Ideas

4 Real Estate Advertising Ideas To Set You Apart

Real estate can be an incredibly lucrative and rewarding industry. However, to make your business as successful as possible, it’s essential to know how to stand out from your competitors. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done.

The good news is that, with the right tools and approach, establishing yourself as an authority in the field is possible. You can use a handful of strategic techniques to advertise your real estate business to demonstrate your professionalism and attract new clients. Plus, you can accomplish many of them for relatively cheap.

In this post, we’ll provide you with four creative real estate advertising ideas you can use to help you dominate your niche in 2021. Let’s jump right into it!

1. Create Visually Appealing Flyers and Postcards

If you want to grow your business, we recommend making flyers and postcards part of your real estate advertising strategy. Not only can they help you generate new leads, but they also serve as ideal assets to add to your portfolio.

There are many different options to choose from. For example, one of the most common and effective are new property or ‘just listed’ flyers:

An example of a 'just listed' flyer as a real estate advertising idea.

Flyers and postcards are useful because they allow you to pack a ton of information into neat, visually appealing formats. You can incorporate images and text, plus your contact information. This makes it easy for potential clients to get the details they need as quickly as possible.

2. Share Custom Graphics on Social Media

When many people think of real estate flyers, they may immediately assume physical, paper products. While distributing these real estate advertising items via mail can undoubtedly be effective, it’s not your only option.

If you want to stand out from your competitors, it makes sense to also target buyers online. In fact, research conducted by the National Association of Realtors has found that social media is one of the best lead-generation tools for realtors:

An example of a real estate advertising social media post.

In addition to creating and sharing custom real estate graphics, such as property listing flyers, you can also attract potential clients by participating in discussions and regularly sharing relevant content.

For example, making it a point to periodically answer buyers’ common questions can help you demonstrate your expertise and credibility. The more active and valuable your presence on social platforms is, the bigger your following is likely to become.

3. Develop an ‘Elevator Pitch’ Real Estate Agent Profile

In case you’re unfamiliar, an elevator pitch is essentially a brief description of your unique value proposition. It’s a popular tactic used in sales and marketing.

The concept is that you should explain who you are, what you do, and what makes you different from competitors in 30 seconds or less. However, there are ways you can leverage this concept online, rather than just verbally or in-person.

For example, you can use a template to create an infographic of your profile as a real estate agent:

A real estate agent infrographic template.

It could include highlights such as your areas of specialty, your contact details, and other key information your potential prospects may want to know about you. You can even include a headshot to make the real estate advertisement more personable and trustworthy.

Another approach is to use the profile to create an agent report:

A real estate agent report template.

This piece of content provides an aesthetically pleasing method of delivering your highlight reel to buyers. You can use it as a resume, letting your audience and potential buyers know why they should consider working with you over any of your competitors.

4. Develop a Real Estate Newsletter

Newsletters are another real estate advertising idea worth considering. They’re cost-effective and let you reach a broad audience with quality, targeted content.

There’s also a variety of ways to use your newsletter. For example, you can share new property listings, industry news and updates, and more.

To make the process of building and distributing your newsletter as efficient as possible, we recommend creating a template:

This will save you a significant amount of time by allowing you to quickly customize the newsletter as necessary, rather than creating a new one from scratch each time.


Real estate can be a competitive field. Gaining an edge over competitors is challenging, especially when you’re first starting out.

Fortunately, as we discussed in this article, there are simple strategies you can use to take your advertising to the next level. This includes the following four ideas:

  1. Create visually appealing flyers and postcards.
  2. Share custom graphics on social media.
  3. Develop an ‘elevator pitch’ real estate agent profile.
  4. Create a real estate newsletter.

Are you ready to make your real estate advertising ideas a reality and begin promoting your business? Start using Jigglar for free and check out our library real estate marketing templates!

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